Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summertime Craft

In my last post which, admittedly, was ages ago I mentioned that I was working on a dress.  I have almost finished said dress but I am stalled because I'm not quite sure how to handle the straps.  Any insight you may have would be greatly appreciated.

In other news, summer is upon us and I am wracking my brain to come up with ideas to keep the kids occupied.  I came across some things on Pinterest that I have started with the kiddos.  Z will be starting Kindergarten in August and, knowing how quickly they can forget things if kids don't keep practising, we continue to work on our letters.  I was inspired by this site first which has several art projects centering around letters.  We started there.  I also came across this site which I actually kind of like better because it's a little easier to navigate in, in my opinion.

Mainly Z and I work on this while little brother is napping but I have actually been able to do some with him too.  He is just now becoming interested in doing art projects, where before he could care less (as his preschool teachers can attest). I'll usually let him do some things on the computer while Sister does her letter, then switch.

Fisher Price has some good toddler games here.

I've learned by doing this that I am apparently lacking some art supplies in my craft closet.  If you go to the sites and then look at what we did, then you will surely notice our projects are missing some of the "cooler" components.  Hey, you work with what you have.

Mainly what I have is paper, markers, and glue.

However, I did buy cheap paper plates specifically for this project.  Now I have enough plates to make 300 more "a"'s...

Oh, yeah, I have finger paints too.

Sing with me "Noah is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s..."

When do kids learn that they don't have to use great gobs of glue??

I am hanging these on the kids doors, at least until I run out of room.  Here's Z modeling her letter's.  We have the rest of summer to finish.

The round thing above her head is an apple she made from a plate (so, 299 left).
She did this project all by herself.

 Noah's door is lacking but hopefully he'll will catch up.  He was also napping when this photo was taken so that's why there's no little guy pointing up to his projects.

He also got an apple (298 left).

So, that's what we've been doing with our time. Please share any projects you may be doing!  I dug my scrapbooking stuff out so I hope to be able to get that done.  And, let me know if you have any suggestions for my dress dilemma!!

Happy crafting!


  1. Hey Mikel!! I haven't seen you in forever! Hope everyone is well. I have been looking for crafts for Jayla to do over the summer and I found these three sites...


    1. Awesome! Thanks, I'll look into those. Hope all is well! I know you must be having so much fun planning the wedding! Tell your family and James hello!
